We all remember our teenage days when we think of furuncles that were highly responsible for ruining our perfect school and college parties. Most of us must have tried various face scrubs, acnes creams, etc. Luckily there are many home remedies which fight the problem of acnes very effectively. Some of the home remedies are tea tree oil, orange peel, garlic, lemon juice and many others.

The tea tree oil is natural oil consisting of Terpinen-4-ol which is in a dilute form and is successful in killing bacteria. Propionibacterium acnes can be cured by using tea tree oil because of its antibiotic features. Propionibacterium is the bacteria which is responsible for causing acnes. This oil is just to be applied on the site of the pustule as a home remedy. Another popular home remedy for acne is orange peel. Just grind the orange peel into fine powder and mix it with water and apply directly to the acne affected area. The citric acid in orange peel along with some other components kills the bacteria which causes acne and also cleans the affected area. This remedy really works and also it smells good.

Acne Home Remedies On the affected area, lemon juice can also be applied. This also contains citric acid and works on the same principle of orange peel. It also cools the skin where people often complain about inflammation and reduces the pimples in size. Oral intake of garlic can be used as a remedy against acnes. Eating raw garlic clears up your complexion and cleanses the excess hormones which cause acnes in adults and teenagers. When applied over the skin, it acts as an antiseptic and an antibiotic. The only drawback in the usage of garlic is that your face and breath smell unpleasant.

Also, application of Aloe Vera gel serves to be cool for the infection and also reduces inflammation. It can also be used along with other remedies such as orange peel or lemon juice treatment or garlic pack. This also reduces the chances of scars which is the major cause after removal of acnes. All the remedies should be first tried on a small patch and then only should be used as a treatment if no reactions are observed on the skin.