Home Remedies

Home Remedies For Headaches

People often complain about headaches. Most of them are not very serious and they would pass as time passes by. It is annoying because most of the people would not be able to concentrate and would not be able to enjoy what they are doing. These headaches can be cured by taking a prescribed medicine but they do have side effects. There are many natural ways through which you can get rid of headaches. These natural remedies work better than any other drugs and ease your pain quickly.

Home Remedies For Headaches These remedies are been used for centuries and are now again in vogue. Many of them are readily available in various forms at your health or natural food stores. Even many pharmacies have started storing these natural remedies. The most commonly used herb is tea. It reduces the headache instantly. Chamomile tea has the ability to naturally calm. By just drinking one cup, your nerves would be calmed and headache would be relived instantly. Ginkgo has the ability to reduce the pain by expanding the blood vessels in the head.

Ginger is considered as an anti-inflammatory herb and is commonly known to relieve and also prevent headaches. It can also be consumed in capsule form if you cannot consume it raw. Another home remedy which has shown tremendous success against headaches is peppermint. It can be used internally as well as externally to relieve a headache. While taking it internally, peppermint tea can be drunk. And by mixing peppermint oil with body oil or lotion and then by massaging on the temples also proves to be great headache reliever.

By applying pressure to the area where your thumb and index finger connect, you can get relief from headache. Do this for a minute or so. But, this technique should not be used if you are pregnant. This may result in abdominal contractions and can cause premature delivery.

Toothache Home Remedies

The pain of toothache strikes you always without a warning. And we are never prepared for such a pain. But, now finding a cure for your pain would not be burdensome because here are remedies which can be found in your home only. Something wrong with your tooth or jaw area is known as toothache. Also, infection or decaying of a tooth is also mostly responsible for the pain. The dentist prescribes anti-infection and anti-bacterial drugs to alleviate the pain and to avoid further complications. But, now this pain can also be eased via natural herbs and vital oils.

Toothache Home Remedies The most common home remedy used for the toothache is garlic clove. To alleviate pain analgesic and antibacterial properties are required and garlic possesses these characteristics. You just need to crush the garlic clove, add salt and apply it on the affected tooth. By just keeping it for two minutes would help you to assuage the pain. After consuming it you can chew some peppermint leaves because of the fouls smell produced by garlic.

Pure vanilla extract is another good option for toothache. Take a few drops and apply it on the tooth or gum where the pain is and it would ease the pain instantly. It tastes good and that’s why children also consume it willingly. It has no foul odor or taste. A bit of whiskey would help the adults to fight against toothache. The pain will vanish instantly when you nip a shot of whiskey and gargle it. Whiskey has the property of anesthetizing and hence is so successful in eliminating toothache.

These are all temporary in nature and should not be tried all together. Pain can also be eased by acupressure. The process of massaging certain points to lessen the pain is known as acupressure. The area between your thumb and index finger should be gently massaged in circular motion to relieve the toothache.

Home Remedies for Dandruff

These days many natural remedies are available in the stores. Many different home remedies can be used to wipe out dandruff. But, instead of buying them from a store, it is best to use the home remedies made at home. Dandruff will vanish permanently if these natural remedies are used correctly. Before using the natural remedies for the removal of dandruff it is necessary to know the cause of dandruff i.e. why it is caused?

Home Remedies for Dandruff Generally, the body responds well towards natural remedies. They are extremely effective. They are not only a very healthy choice but also prove to be safe for the environment as well. The first thing you can do to eliminate dandruff is to change your shampoo. Shampoos with the chemical Sodium Laureth Sulfate can make your scalp skin dry, patchy and bring out stripping effect in your skin. Yeast funguses which thrive on the skin such as Globbosa, malessezia, etc. mix wit this chemical and leads to excessive flaking and dandruff. Instead, use a shampoo that operates on natural foaming rather than use of artificial ones. Yucca is a natural foaming agent that would b very tender on your skin and can prove to be a remedy for your dandruff problem.

Also, massaging your scalp twice a day helps to eliminate dandruff. It also improves your blood circulation. One of the most home remedies for dandruff which is being used since centuries is Vinegar. You can first wash your hair with pH balanced shampoo. After that add around two drops of vinegar in warm water and natural oils can also be added. Just massage your scalp and no need to rinse it out immediately. Instead of vinegar even lemon juice can be used.

Lavender, Rosemary, Neem and Tea tree are some oils which are best natural remedies for fighting against dandruff. They all possess anti-bacterial characteristics and are best for the scalp.

Home Remedies for Cold

Cold is caused by viral infection and is also known as influenza. It is the most common ailment but it is not considered as serious. Many people around us suffer from cold now and then. Instead of visiting the doctor always, it is better to use the following home remedies to cure cold and cough.

Home Remedies for Cold For curing cold, bitter gourd roots well known as karela plant are used as a traditional treatment. Just mix a tablespoon of the root paste with an equal quantity of honey or tulsi leaf juice. Taken once every night before going to bed for a month, works wonders against colds. The next home remedy which is highly successful in curing cold and throat irritations is Turmeric or haldi. In thirty milliliter of warm milk just add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and drink in twice in a day. It is highly useful in curing cold and cough. This proves to be good remedy against cold.

In South India, tamarind and pepper rasam is also considered as an effective home remedy against cold. When the steaming hot rasam is consumed, it has a flushing effect in the body and should be consumed thrice daily. The nasal blockage is cleared instantly and even works against the problem of watery eyes which is the most common problem during colds. Intake of amla on a regular basis prevents common cold. Vitamin C while taken in large doses during colds relieves the symptoms and shortens the duration.

The oldest remedy is the usage of garlic to cure colds. Garlic soup of consumed once daily reduces the frequency of cold and increases your metabolism. It contains several medical qualities such as antiseptic, antispasmodic, etc. The respiratory passage opens up as soon as the oil in this vegetable passes through it. Herb ginger proves to be a good remedy against cold and coughs.

Acne Home Remedies

We all remember our teenage days when we think of furuncles that were highly responsible for ruining our perfect school and college parties. Most of us must have tried various face scrubs, acnes creams, etc. Luckily there are many home remedies which fight the problem of acnes very effectively. Some of the home remedies are tea tree oil, orange peel, garlic, lemon juice and many others.

The tea tree oil is natural oil consisting of Terpinen-4-ol which is in a dilute form and is successful in killing bacteria. Propionibacterium acnes can be cured by using tea tree oil because of its antibiotic features. Propionibacterium is the bacteria which is responsible for causing acnes. This oil is just to be applied on the site of the pustule as a home remedy. Another popular home remedy for acne is orange peel. Just grind the orange peel into fine powder and mix it with water and apply directly to the acne affected area. The citric acid in orange peel along with some other components kills the bacteria which causes acne and also cleans the affected area. This remedy really works and also it smells good.

Acne Home Remedies On the affected area, lemon juice can also be applied. This also contains citric acid and works on the same principle of orange peel. It also cools the skin where people often complain about inflammation and reduces the pimples in size. Oral intake of garlic can be used as a remedy against acnes. Eating raw garlic clears up your complexion and cleanses the excess hormones which cause acnes in adults and teenagers. When applied over the skin, it acts as an antiseptic and an antibiotic. The only drawback in the usage of garlic is that your face and breath smell unpleasant.

Also, application of Aloe Vera gel serves to be cool for the infection and also reduces inflammation. It can also be used along with other remedies such as orange peel or lemon juice treatment or garlic pack. This also reduces the chances of scars which is the major cause after removal of acnes. All the remedies should be first tried on a small patch and then only should be used as a treatment if no reactions are observed on the skin.

Home Remedies for Asthma

One has to act wise in selecting home remedies for curing asthma. Even if you are surfing on the internet to find some natural remedies it is advised to reach each and everything carefully before trying them. The most important tip is to cover your nose while going out in the cold air to prevent asthma attacks. Also, dairy products like milk and cheese should be avoided completely. There are many home remedies available for curing asthma but they have to be perfect for you which can be a little difficult.

Home Remedies The most popular remedy for preventing asthma attack is honey. Only by smelling honey you can reduce your symptoms of asthma. Many people who suffer from nocturnal asthma have to face a very difficult time in the night hours. For them Vitamin C may be the requirement. These symptoms can be reduced by increasing your intake of Vitamin C before going to bed. Even simply going outdoors to inhale some fresh air can work wonders for you. But, be careful that it is free from dust and pollution.

Garlic is also considered as an effective home remedy while curing asthma. Boiling garlic in milk is another popular theory for curing or reducing the symptoms of asthma. Even grapes works as a remedy against asthmatic problems. By soaking fresh grapes with seeds in water and then storing it in a cool place and then chewing it before going to bed is a tried and tested remedy.

None of these remedies are proven scientifically true. These are some simple home treatments which have worked for people who have followed them. Before trying any of these, consult your local physician regarding your safety. Whenever going in for remedies which are just noted down via internet, be sure to check the facts and figures about those treatments.

Difference Between Natural Remedies and Home Remedies

Home remedies as suggested by the name itself mean the solutions we make at home from things we have available in our cupboard. So, what is the difference between natural remedies and home remedies? Are they actually same? Natural remedies are considered as substitutes for chemical medications which we consume. These natural remedies are made up from chemical and a small percentage of organic is also used. The ingredients list which is printed on the labels for us to check, which quantities are used and what is their proportion.

Natural Remedies As seen above natural remedies are only allowed get sold in the market if the natural and organic ingredients are used in specific percentage only. Then, only they are considered as natural remedies. Home remedies are prepared at home but they there is no compulsion for them to be organic or natural. For example, to cure a cut alcohol may be used as a home remedy. But, some individuals possess synthetic alcohol in their homes and use that. Since the alcohol is synthetic it is not natural remedy but is a home remedy.

Some of the natural remedies can be classified as home remedies because they must have been originated from recipes that were made in the home. There are thousands of products which fall in this category. For example, honey is considered as home as well as natural remedy. Though the difference between the two seems very nominal but there is a difference for sure. At times, you must be thinking that something which you prepared at home is a home remedy but that may be not true and vice versa. In any of the cases they prove to very profitable, useful and beneficial. But, all this has to be used correctly after recommendations and can also be used by moderating a few things.

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