The pain of toothache strikes you always without a warning. And we are never prepared for such a pain. But, now finding a cure for your pain would not be burdensome because here are remedies which can be found in your home only. Something wrong with your tooth or jaw area is known as toothache. Also, infection or decaying of a tooth is also mostly responsible for the pain. The dentist prescribes anti-infection and anti-bacterial drugs to alleviate the pain and to avoid further complications. But, now this pain can also be eased via natural herbs and vital oils.
The most common home remedy used for the toothache is garlic clove. To alleviate pain analgesic and antibacterial properties are required and garlic possesses these characteristics. You just need to crush the garlic clove, add salt and apply it on the affected tooth. By just keeping it for two minutes would help you to assuage the pain. After consuming it you can chew some peppermint leaves because of the fouls smell produced by garlic.
Pure vanilla extract is another good option for toothache. Take a few drops and apply it on the tooth or gum where the pain is and it would ease the pain instantly. It tastes good and that’s why children also consume it willingly. It has no foul odor or taste. A bit of whiskey would help the adults to fight against toothache. The pain will vanish instantly when you nip a shot of whiskey and gargle it. Whiskey has the property of anesthetizing and hence is so successful in eliminating toothache.
These are all temporary in nature and should not be tried all together. Pain can also be eased by acupressure. The process of massaging certain points to lessen the pain is known as acupressure. The area between your thumb and index finger should be gently massaged in circular motion to relieve the toothache.