One has to act wise in selecting home remedies for curing asthma. Even if you are surfing on the internet to find some natural remedies it is advised to reach each and everything carefully before trying them. The most important tip is to cover your nose while going out in the cold air to prevent asthma attacks. Also, dairy products like milk and cheese should be avoided completely. There are many home remedies available for curing asthma but they have to be perfect for you which can be a little difficult.

Home Remedies The most popular remedy for preventing asthma attack is honey. Only by smelling honey you can reduce your symptoms of asthma. Many people who suffer from nocturnal asthma have to face a very difficult time in the night hours. For them Vitamin C may be the requirement. These symptoms can be reduced by increasing your intake of Vitamin C before going to bed. Even simply going outdoors to inhale some fresh air can work wonders for you. But, be careful that it is free from dust and pollution.

Garlic is also considered as an effective home remedy while curing asthma. Boiling garlic in milk is another popular theory for curing or reducing the symptoms of asthma. Even grapes works as a remedy against asthmatic problems. By soaking fresh grapes with seeds in water and then storing it in a cool place and then chewing it before going to bed is a tried and tested remedy.

None of these remedies are proven scientifically true. These are some simple home treatments which have worked for people who have followed them. Before trying any of these, consult your local physician regarding your safety. Whenever going in for remedies which are just noted down via internet, be sure to check the facts and figures about those treatments.